Pocket Gps Speed Camera Database Download Torrent


Free speed camera database....Download from where?
Monday 5th April 2010

Looking for Garmin Cyclops Safety Camera Files. I looking for someone who have Garmin Cyclops safety camera files. I think I'm going to need it because my friend got ticket from highway speed camera. You know, we want to be safer. UPDATE: For 2012 and newer models, Garmin no longer offers the Cyclops safety camera database for USA.

I thought I would have a go at building my own speed camera detector using a GPS module and a small handheld computer.
This project is one of those that I keep coming back to but I do remember downloading a free gatso camera database in garman .CSV format and I cannot remember where from.
Although I can convert .OV2 to garman .CSV using poiedit.
It will have a very simplistic display and simple warning. Not for commercial use, just a bored evening type project.
Monday 5th April 2010
I get mine from PocketGPSWorld which seems to be very up-to-date. Small annual fee if you've never submitted a camera.
Tuesday 6th April 2010
free versions are available from http://www.poiplaza.com/
Not on weekly updates like pocketgpsworld, however.....the locations are correct and they have the database in many versions
Tuesday 6th April 2010
free versions are available from http://www.poiplaza.com/
Not on weekly updates like pocketgpsworld, however.....the locations are correct and they have the database in many versions
Pocket gps speed camera database download torrent 2017 Perfect, thanks - even has .CSV format....
Also thanks for the pocketgpsworld link but as this is a homebrew experiment I dont want to pay for it (yet).Pocket gps speed camera database download torrent software
Wednesday 28th April 2010
the novus website has free downloads.
They also have a standalone unit(Novus Piccolo) with free lifetime updates, which was recently available in maplin for £45.
Wednesday 28th April 2010
the novus website has free downloads.
They also have a standalone unit(Novus Piccolo) with free lifetime updates, which was recently available in maplin for £45.
Could you point me towards the link please.
Project is Torrentslowly coming on.
Edited by Morningside on Wednesday 28th April 12:55

Tuesday 23rd July 2013
the novus website has free downloads.
They also have a standalone unit(Novus Piccolo) with free lifetime updates, which was recently available in maplin for £45.
Could you point me towards the link please.
Project is slowly coming on.
Edited by Morningside on Wednesday 28th April 12:55
I know this is a really old thread, but any update on how this went?
Find any other decent sources of info for free poi data (that can be used commercially)?

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