Download the Mod; Republic at War A total conversion mod for Star Wars Empire at War. Republic at War features an improved and more challenging AI that reacts to. Download the best games on Windows & Mac. Star Wars™: Empire at War GoldHow to Install mods(16 posts)solved(16 posts)solved. So I installed ACM2.4 because it was my favorite mod from back in the day. Star Wars: Empire at War is a 2006 real-time strategy video game. Featuring The Old Republic, Realism mods, The New Republic, Halo. Then click on mods Then select the mod that's been downloaded and start/load/begin.
Republic at War is a total conversion modification for Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption. The mod replaces the Empire with the Galactic Republic and the Rebel Alliance with the Confederacy. Republic at War focuses heavily on the theatrical films but also contains content from the Clone Wars cartoon series as well as the expanded universe. Players can re-enact various Clone War campaigns such as the Outer Rim Sieges. Players will have the choice to fight as either the CIS or the Republic and wage war for control of the galaxy. Realism is key and players will have unprecedented control over how and where they fight. Push forward with an entire clone legion such as the 501st or 212th or overwhelm your opponent with a seemingly endless number of B1 battledroids. The choice is yours. There are also a number of expansions planned that will add new (as well as polish existing) content.
Getting the Mod
Version 1.1.5
Republic at War 1.1.5 can be downloaded on There is a section called 'Files'. Here you can find the two relevant downloads:
- Republic at War v1.1.5
- Republic at War v1.1.5 [Minimal | ADV USERS ONLY]
You only will need just one of them. If you have the disk version of Forces of Corruption we suggest to download 'Republic at War v1.1.5'. For Steam-Users we highly suggest using 'Republic at War v1.1.5 [Minimal | ADV USERS ONLY]'.Both downloads contain the exact same version of the mod just the installing procedures are different.
For further details how to install the mod correctly please refer to the Install Instructions
How to post issues

- Please read the these before posting for the first time.
- Search the other issues to see if yours already covered.
- Use a meaningful title for your issue.
- Use the predefined tags when creating an issue.
- Tag an issue with the version of the Mod you are referring to.
- When posing a bug please describe the issue and setting that lead to it as detailed as possible
Star Wars: Republic at War is an idea for an RTS (Real-time strategy game) set during the Clone Wars. There are two playable factions: the Republic and the Separatists. The game's timeline begins with the training of the Clone Troopers and ends with the Assault on the Jedi Temple and the execution of Order 66.
Faction Strengths and WeaknessesEdit
- The Republic is able to produce any Clone units for only one credit but their training takes longer than other units. This is the same effect that the planet Kamino had on organic infantry in Star Wars: Empire at War.
- The CIS, on the other hand, is able to produce droid units very quickly but for a much higher cost than other units.
- Both factions are able to use native races of planets under their jurisdiction in battle.
- The Republic uses mainly Jedi heroes, who have a high attack bonus against enemy units.
- The CIS can train four anti-Jedi heroes and one anti-Jedi unit to combat the above problem.
Campaign MissionsEdit
- Clone training (Tutorial)
- battle over Geonosis (Tutorial)
- Geonosis
- Rhen Var
- Muunilinst
- Mon Calamari
- tatooine
- Manaan
- Christophsis
- Ryloth
- Geonosis 2
- Lola Sayu
- Mon Calamari 2
- Umbara
- Mygeeto
- Battle of Coruscant
- Felucia
- Saleucami
- Kashyyyk
- Utapau
- Assualt on the Jedi Temple
- Duros
- Korriban
- Naboo
- Kamino
- Muunilinst
- Mon Calamari
- Hypori
- Yavin IV
- Sullust
- Serroco
- Mandalore
- Christophsis
- Ryloth
- Fondor
- Alzoc III
- Geonosis 2
- Mon Calamari 2
- Umbara
- Battle over Coruscant
- Kashyyyk
- Utapau
- Assault on the Jedi Temple
- Clone troopers
- ARC troopers
- 501st Legion
- 212th Attack Battalion
- 41st Elite Corps
- 327th Star Corps
- Galactic Marines
- Clone sniper
- Clone marines
- Clone Jet-troopers
- Clone engineer
- Clone Saber troopers
- All Terrain Attack Pod
- All Terrain Experimental Transport
- Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery
- Unstable Terrain Artillery Transport
- All Terrain Armored Transport
- All Terrain Heavy Enforcer
- All Terrain Tactical Enforcer
- Heavy Assault Vehicle/wheeled A6 Juggernaut
Aerial assaultEdit
- High-Altitude Entry Transport-221
- Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry
- Nu-class attack shuttle
- Senate Guard assault vehicle
- Senate Guard speeder
- V-19 Torrent starfighter
- ARC-170 starfighter
- Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighter
Star cruisersEdit
- Acclamator-class assault ship
- Haven-class medical station
- Mandator-class star dreadnaught
- Procurator-class star battlecruiser
- Venator-class star destroyer
- Victory-class star destroyer
Mechanized infantryEdit
- All Terrain Armoured Transport
- All Terrain Open Transport
- All Terrain Tactical Enforcer
- CR20 troop carrier
- CR25 troop carrier
- Heavy Assault Vehicle/wheeled A4 Juggernaut
- Heavy Assault Vehicle/wheeled A5 Juggernaut
- Heavy Assault Vehicle/wheeled A6 Juggernaut
- Republic troop transport
- 74-Z speeder bike
- All Terrain Recon Transport
- All Terrain Scout Transport
- BARC speeder
- Republic recon speeder
- 105-K lancer bike
- A5-RX Battle Tank
- CK-6 swoop
- Battle Droids
- Super Battle Droids
- Assassin Battle Droid
- Engineer Battle Droid
- Artillery Battle Droids
- MagnaGuards
- Droidekas
- Commando droids
- Aqua droids
- Gossam Commandos
- Koorivar Fusiliers
- Neimoidian Gunnery Battalion
- Geonosian warriors
- Karkarodon soldiers
- Nimbus commandos
- Mandalorian Protectors
- Death Watch
- Quarren Isolation League
- Umbaran militia
- Nosaurian resistance
- Spider Droid
- Dwarf Spider Droid
- Crab droid
- Octuptarra droid
- AAT Tank
- Hailfire Tank
- Droid Tread Tank
- Defoliator Cannon
Aerial AssaultEdit
Star Wars Republic At War Mods Download
- Belbullab-22 starfighter
- C-9969 landing craft
- C-9979 landing craft
- Droid Tri-Fighter
- Heavy Missile Platform
- Hunter-Seeker droid
- Long Range Air Attack Mechanism
- Mechanized Assault Flyer
- Porax-38 Starfighter
- Vulture Droid
Star cruisersEdit
- Fantail-class destroyer
- Lucrehulk-class battleship
- Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship
- Munificent-class star frigate
- Providence-class carrier/destroyer
- Resucant-class light destroyer
Republic At War Mod Db
- Chancellor Palpatine
- R2-D2 and C-3PO
- Captain Rex
- Ahsoka Tano
- ARC trooper Fordo
- ARC trooper Fives
- ARC trooper Echo
- Commander Cody
- Commander Gree
- Commander Bly
- Commander Bacara
- Padmé Amidala
- Bail Organa
- Wullf Yularen
- Resolute
- Obi-Wan Kenobi
- Anakin Skywalker
- Yoda
- Mace Windu
- Kit Fisto
- Aayla Secura
- Luminara Unduli
- Ki-Adi-Mundi
- Barriss Offee
- Mon Mothma (Minor Hero)
- Riyo Chuchi (Minor Hero)
- Jedi Commander (Minor Hero)
- Fleet Admiral (Minor Hero)
- Delta Squad (Clone Commandos)
- RC-1138 (Boss)
- RC-1140 (Fixer)
- RC-1207 (Sev)
- RC-1262 (Scorch)
Install Republic At War Steam
- Darth Sidious
- Count Dooku
- Lok Durd
- Whorm Loathsom
- Mar Tuuk
- TX-20
- Asajj Ventress
- Sev'rance Tann
- Durge
- General Grievous
- Malevolence
- Invisible Hand
- Cad Bane
- Admiral Trench
- Nute Gunray
- Poggle the Lesser
- Wat Tambor
- Osi Sobeck
- Riff Tamson
- Spar
- Pre Vizsla
- Alto Stratus
- Tikkes
- Rootrock
- Limbfree
- Bomo Greenbark
- Mina Bonteri (Minor Hero)
- Voe Atell (Minor Hero)
- Kerch Kushi (Minor Hero)
- Dark Acolyte (Minor Hero)
- Neimoidian Admiral (Minor Hero)